Pang MMK
Released October, 10 2018|Duration : 1 hours 14 minutes
DIRECTED BY : John Lapus.
WRITTEN BY : John Lapus.
GENRE : Drama.
VIDEO : 720p.
COUNTRY : Philippines.
PRODUCTION BY : Cinema One Originals, Star Cinema – ABS-CBN Film Productions.
Movie ‘Pang MMK’ was released in October 12, 2018 in genre Drama. John Lapus was directed this movie and starring by Neil Coleta. This movie tell story about Being the legitimate son, Janus was given the stressful responsibility to take care of his father’s funeral. With the presence of a senator, constant phone calls from his mother (who was in the United States), and the conflict between his scandalous sister and his father’s mistress; the funeral became dramatic, chaotic, and hilarious.