The Workers’ Warrior
One of the most colorful figures in American labor history is Mary Harris Jones, “Mother Jones.” Frequently showing up at strikes and rallies, she was known as a real “hell raiser.” While she is most often recognized for her comment, “Pray for the dead, and fight like hell for the living,” many of her speeches were profound and prophetic. In a 1910 speech to the United Mine Workers of America she said: “When we come to consider that the American capitalists are investing in China with the idea of crushing out the unions of America it is time for us to wake from our slumber. I t is not alone in China they are doing this, but across our borders in Mexico…”
For additional information on the life and activities of “Mother” Jones go to:
AFL-CIO Essay on The Life of “Mother” Jones
Mother Jones, The Miners’ Angel
The Autobiography of Mother Jones
Mother Jones Websites
Mother Jones on the Web
Induction Profile at Women Hall of Fame