Category Archives: Literature


Institute for Research on Labor and Employment Library

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Black Labor History

Negro History Week was celebrated for the first time in 1926 during the second week in February. This month was chosen because Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln celebrate their birthdays during the month. In 1976 Negro History Week became Black History Month and the rich history of African Americans began to receive special attention during the entire month of February…

Posted in Black Labor History, Literature | Leave a comment

Labor Quotes

The use of quotations can be an effective way to engage students in analyzing different points of view. For example, teachers can provide students with the first two quotations below and ask them to explain the point each person is making and state which, in their opinion, they most agree with and provide evidence for their answer…

Posted in American History, Cultural Resources, Elementary, Intermediate, Literature, Organizing, Post-secondary, Secondary, Union Histories | Leave a comment